Vítejte v Nemocnici Strakonice, a.s.

Historie strakonické nemocnice se píše již od roku 1892. V současné době je u nás ročně hospitalizováno cca 14 500 pacientů a provedeno 140 000 ambulantních ošetření. 

Nemocnice je založena Jihočeským krajem, disponuje osmi lůžkovými odděleními s 306 lůžky pro akutní a následnou péči a rozsáhlým spektrem odborné ambulantní péče. Přirozenou spádovou oblastí jsou oblasti Strakonicka, Klatovska, Prachaticka a Písecka. 


The slider you see on this website is the Free Edition of another cool product JSN EasySlider from JoomlaShine. Please click on the below button to check the PRO Edition of this extension.

See Demo Get It Now

JSN EasySlider is the cutting-edge way of presenting content on the web with the “Three-I” standard: Impressive - Informative - Interactive.

  • Impressive to catch and maintain attention
  • Informative to convey message effectively
  • Interactive to drive engagement with specific Call-To-Actions

It allows you to synthesize dynamic content types: text, video & images and leverage the strength of stunning effects for effective information conveyance. Besides superpower for content presentation, it also has a uniquely outstanding feature: super user-friendly interface. With Drag-n-drop functionality, WYSIWYG Editor, Timeline editor and live preview, no lines of code are required to get a stunning slider.

Here after is the slider created by the FREE Edition of JSN EasySlider:

System plugins operate every time a page on your site loads. They control such things as your URLS, whether users can check a "remember me" box on the login module, and whether caching is enabled.  New in 1.6 is the redirect plugin that with the redirect component assist you in managing changes in URLs.

Default on:

  • Remember me Help
  • SEF Help
  • Debug Help

Default off:

  • Cache Help
  • Log Help
  • Redirect Help

Breadcrumbs provide a pathway for users to navigate through the site. Help

This module shows an iFrame window to specified location. Help

The syndicate module allows you to display a link that allows users to take a feed from your site. It will only display on pages for which feeds are possible. That means it will not display on single article, contact or weblinks pages, such as this one. Help

The Statistics Module shows information about your server installation together with statistics on the Web site users, number of Articles in your database and the number of Web links you provide.

This module will display a search box. Help

This module displays the list of weblinks in a category. Help

This module shows the Joomla! copyright information. Help

This module allows the displaying of a syndicated feed. Help

This Module allows you to create your own HTML Module using a WYSIWYG editor. Help


The Joomla! content management system lets you create webpages of various types using extensions. There are 5 basic types of extensions: components, modules, templates, languages, and plugins. Your website includes the extensions you need to create a basic website in English, but thousands of additional extensions of all types are available. The Joomla! Extensions Directory is the largest directory of Joomla! extensions.

Poděkování od našich pacientů

Sponzoring - informace

Dárcem se může stát fyzická i právnická osoba, příspěvky jsou dobrovolným aktem každého, kdo se chce na činnosti a rozvoji nemocnice podílet.
Dary je možné poskytnout věcné nebo finanční.

Za Vaši pomoc velmi děkujeme.



Nemocnice Strakonice, a.s. zajišťuje dostupnou, bezpečnou a kvalitní zdravotní péči okresního formátu a usiluje o spokojenost svých pacientů.




Odborná péče o Vaše onemocnění a úrazy.


Poskytujeme široké spektrum odborných farmaceutických a klientsky komfortních služeb.



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