Vítejte v Nemocnici Strakonice, a.s.

Historie strakonické nemocnice se píše již od roku 1892. V současné době je u nás ročně hospitalizováno cca 14 500 pacientů a provedeno 140 000 ambulantních ošetření. 

Nemocnice je založena Jihočeským krajem, disponuje osmi lůžkovými odděleními s 306 lůžky pro akutní a následnou péči a rozsáhlým spektrem odborné ambulantní péče. Přirozenou spádovou oblastí jsou oblasti Strakonicka, Klatovska, Prachaticka a Písecka. 

Design & Features

JSN Medis provides 06 box designs for module background styling, which can be combined with 500+ predefined icons for module title styling. Take a look around to see how module styles are applied.

Module styles are configured by module's parameter Module Class Suffix with very simple syntax. To set up icons, you need to add string fa fa-xxx to module class suffix, where xxx is the icon name.

JSN Medis provides 5 menu styles to present your website navigation. The default Joomla! built-in menu module (mod_mainmenu) is utilized, so you don't need to install any external menu modules.

Top Menu

Top Menu

Top Menu allows you to arrange menu items in horizontal line and assign icons to them. All icons are configured directly in menu item settings page which is very convenient.

See live demo of Top Menu

Main Menu

Main Menu

Main Menu is very powerful menu built with clean accessible XHTML code structure and effective drop-down submenu panels.

Main Menu with icons and rich text

Main Menu Rich Text combined with Icons

You can add icon and descriptive text to each menu item to make them much clearer and more appealing. Both descriptive text and icons are configured directly in menu item settings page, which is very convenient.

See live demo of Main Menu

Side Menu

Side Menu

Side Menu is very unique vertical menu with slide-out panels. This menu is extremely efficient when you have complex navigation with a lot of menu items.

See live demo of Side Menu

Tree Menu

Tree Menu represents menu items in clear tree-like hierarchy, which is very appropriate for indexing menu. By default all submenu items are collapsed until you select the parent menu item.

See live demo of Tree Menu

Div Menu

Div Menu

Div Menu is simple yet nice menu bar with items separated by slightly visible dashes. This menu is very suitable for footer navigation presentation.

Module Positions

JSN Medis provides 36+ module positions allowing you to have multiple layout configurations. All module positions are collapsible which means if you don't publish any modules in some positions it will not take any blank spaces leaving those for neighbor modules. Some positions are designed to arrange modules inside in horizontal layout which makes it very easy to reorder modules inside it.

See all module positions outline

Layout Configuration

Layout configuration by template parameters

JSN Medis allows you to change the width size for several critical layout elements. All settings can be done via template parameters in section LAYOUT SETTINGS.

Layout Variations

JSN Medis layout system is very flexible and capable. Module positions are designed in smart way to cover all possible spot where you might want to put content. Moreover, you can specify width of both overall layout and specific columns conveniently via template parameters. Bellow is live presentation of some most popular layout variations:

Font Face

JSN Medis provides 3 font face options for major website types. Each font face option is actually a combination of 2 font types: one for content text, another for heading text and main navigation text.

Special Font (powered by Google Font Directory)

To make your website content look even better, we included feature to load special fonts directly from Google Font Directory. We have carefully selected the most appropriate special font for each text styles. Since this service is provided by Google, it's very reliable and fast.

Click on any screenshot to see LIVE demo of that font face. (reset to default)

Font Face Business Special

""Business / Corporation" style with special font

Font Face Personal Special

"Personal / Blog" style with special font

Font Face News Special

"Online News / Magazine" style with special font

Font Size

JSN Medis allows you to customize text size as you want.

Font Size Custom

Font size 75%

JSN Medis provides 6 major color variations for your taste. Each color variation covers not only the main background, but also color of drop-down menu, links, table's header and some others.

Color variations

Click on any screenshot to LIVE demo of that color variation. (reset to default)

Interactive images presentation by JSN ImageShow extension

Color configuration

Each template color can be configured by 3 different ways:

By template parameter

Template color can be set by template parameter Template Color in administration panel.

By "Page Class Suffix"

Template color can be defined in parameter Page Class Suffix of menu items as custom-color-xxx.

By Site tools panel

Template color can be selected by website visitor from Color Selector in Site tools.

Poděkování od našich pacientů

Sponzoring - informace

Dárcem se může stát fyzická i právnická osoba, příspěvky jsou dobrovolným aktem každého, kdo se chce na činnosti a rozvoji nemocnice podílet.
Dary je možné poskytnout věcné nebo finanční.

Za Vaši pomoc velmi děkujeme.



Nemocnice Strakonice, a.s. zajišťuje dostupnou, bezpečnou a kvalitní zdravotní péči okresního formátu a usiluje o spokojenost svých pacientů.




Odborná péče o Vaše onemocnění a úrazy.


Poskytujeme široké spektrum odborných farmaceutických a klientsky komfortních služeb.



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